group information
Gaming Zone
title : Gaming Zone
screen name : gamingzone
creator : liquidus
creation date : 09/03/2008
last update : 10/18/2024
description : Retrouvez l'essentiel de l'actualité du jeu vidéo, cinématographique, de Marvel, DC Comics, aussi bien à la télé qu'au cinéma.
tags :
articles : 2791
visites since opening : 10939999
subscribers : 132
bloggers : 1
    Who likes this ?
    souther, capcom, sacks, krash, diablass59, aiolia081, odst, whitepotatoes, xiaoludo, knity, x1x2, titan0085, mikazaki, spawnini, dyselight, ashern, blackbox, jacklefou, spartan1985, ritalix, lightning, jamrock, kellyyy668
    posted the 08/06/2014 at 11:22 PM by liquidus
      Who likes this ?
      tvirus, legato, link49, souther, eldren, sacks, escobar, cortes, sorow, evilboss, archesstat, fullbuster, anonymous340, gantzeur, aiolia081, beks1080, ootaniisensei, valien, xiaoludo, nobleswan, dedrial, hyoga57, soulshunt, sokrovenno, mikazaki, joegillianprime, spawnini, kyogamer, torotoro59, ninja17, leblogdeshacka
      posted the 08/06/2014 at 10:16 PM by liquidus
        Who likes this ?
        tvirus, link49, xrkmx, fiveagainstone, spilner, berny38, eldren, cortes, evilboss, kurosama, trungz, jwolf, amario, hado78, fullbuster, arngrim, e3payne, neokiller, ootaniisensei, yukilin, thekingman1, amassous, spaaz, mrponey, hyoga57, maxleresistant, soulshunt, sokrovenno, mikazaki, spawnini, ecco, ninjah, zach, kyogamer, coolflex, torotoro59, 23h59, leblogdeshacka
        posted the 08/04/2014 at 12:58 PM by liquidus
          Who likes this ?
          kabuki, souther, minbox, hado78, fullbuster, arngrim, gantzeur, e3payne, rick2746, asakim, anakaris, xiaoludo, cocotte, kenshiroomaewamosinderu, spawnini, sujetdelta, kyogamer, spartan1985, sakonoko, lightning, leblogdeshacka, serebii
          posted the 08/04/2014 at 11:22 AM by liquidus
            Who likes this ?
            sdkios, link49, nonack, grozourson, shima, eldren, 58e64g, minbox, ykarin, castortroy, zanpa, barbenoire, idd, archesstat, deum, shigeryu, sphinx, amario, fullbuster, arngrim, goldmen33, docteurdeggman, dx93, sunuke, kibix, akd, kisukesan, yukilin, asakim, drakeramore, neo810, soulshunt, itise, zephon, lolnope, stardustx, plistter, aros, torotoro59, geugeuz, freematt
            posted the 08/03/2014 at 09:49 PM by liquidus
            channel (0)