friend cloud (1)
friends : 1
followers : 0
following : 0
sex : male
birthday : 10/29/1990
country : France
dyselight the 12/23/24 at 07:15 AM
has voted for the article [test] Driver 2 : PlayStation.
dyselight the 10/23/24 at 07:26 AM
dyselight the 09/13/24 at 06:20 PM
dyselight the 06/07/24 at 10:42 AM
has voted for the article Summer Game Fest 2024 : le planning.
dyselight the 02/05/24 at 06:35 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article ralentissements youtube.
"Utilise uBlock Origin, et ça deviendra aussi rapide que ta photo de profil ^^ moi j'ai changer quand justement adblock ne fonctionnais plus... ça date effectivement de quelques semaine..."
dyselight the 12/18/23 at 12:12 PM
dyselight the 12/17/23 at 02:26 PM
dyselight the 11/19/23 at 07:30 PM
has voted for the article Half Life a 25 ans !.
dyselight the 10/01/23 at 08:58 AM
dyselight the 09/27/23 at 10:24 AM
has voted for the article Amazon 6€ offerts a partir de 60€.