current or last location : Brezil
friends : 28
followers : 2
following : 0
sex : male
birthday : 07/07/1979
country : Brazil
social interest : searching for friendship, networking
minx the 10/04/24 at 03:39 PM
minx the 10/04/24 at 03:37 PM
minx the 09/24/24 at 05:50 PM
minx the 09/24/24 at 05:49 PM
minx the 09/24/24 at 05:49 PM
has voted for the article Encore une nouvelle manette Xbox !.
minx the 09/22/24 at 04:33 PM
has voted for the article Sumimasen Turbo: SEGA au TGS 2005.
minx the 09/22/24 at 04:30 PM
has voted for the article Dead Rising 1 : Le meilleur de la Saga.
minx the 09/22/24 at 11:34 AM
has voted for the article Ranma1/2: Second trailer du remake.
minx the 09/18/24 at 01:47 AM
has voted for the article [test] Code Name: Viper - NES.