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posted the 07/16/2008 at 06:49 AM by Antoine Morcos
comments (319)
shiks posted the 07/16/2008 at 07:21 AM
Ouais j'espère pas trop les jeu viendront mais pas pour tout de suite. Enfin bon s'ils annonçent un bon jeu gamer à cette conférence privéé c'est pa spour me déplaire ^^.
goldorak posted the 07/16/2008 at 07:21 AM
Oh merci seigneur, tout n'est pas perdu alors sinon la vidéo de madworld est tout simplement FANTASTIQUE merci SEGA
trez posted the 07/16/2008 at 07:22 AM
certainement wing island 2
azertyuiop2 posted the 07/16/2008 at 07:23 AM
C'est beau de rêver Mais se fonder sur de telles hypothèses, c'est courir le risque d'être déçus... Maintenant je ne dis pas qu'il ne faut pas rêver, je dis juste qu'il faut rêver avec prudence...
supatony posted the 07/16/2008 at 07:23 AM
beaucoup de rumeurs sur Kid Icarus.
tourte posted the 07/16/2008 at 07:24 AM
Franchement je préfère ne rien espérer après leur performance d'hier ils seraient capable de s'auto-féliciter encore 1h pour le plaisir.
goldorak posted the 07/16/2008 at 07:26 AM
shiks posted the 07/16/2008 at 07:30 AM
Tm--> Qui sait peut-être ^^. Bon sinon*phase rêve* Kid Icarus c'est le jeu le plus problable. Mais bon après Hier je suis assez méfiant. Sinon ils sont capable de sortir Wii Play 2...XD
supatony posted the 07/16/2008 at 07:32 AM
Oui peut-être un Zelda qui utilise le Wii MotionPlus.
ouabde posted the 07/16/2008 at 07:34 AM
Peut-être FF XIII ? (j'rigole, vas-y, c'est bon quoi)
setzer posted the 07/16/2008 at 07:36 AM
Et vous attendez quoi d'un kid icarus wii ? Comme si c'était une grosse license alors qu'il n'y a rien eu depuis les 2 épisodes sur nes et gameboy et en plus la plupart d'entres vous n'y avez meme pas joué
tourte posted the 07/16/2008 at 07:37 AM
Honnêtement...Je conseil, à tout ceux qui attendent un nouveau Zelda, de ne pas du tout fondé d'espoir dessus. Si un jeu gamer est présenté ce soir (alléluia) ce sera Kid Icarus, ou F-Zero, voir peut-être Pikmin 3. Mais la présence de Link est, à mon avis, à oublier.
supatony posted the 07/16/2008 at 07:40 AM
Personnellement je préfère qu'il n'annonce pas Kid Icarus, mais autre chose
shiks posted the 07/16/2008 at 07:41 AM
Edgar--> En tous cas moi j'y est jouer à Kid Icarus. Se qu'on attend de se jeu c'est simple, puisque c'est une ancienne license s'il la refont surgire des oubliettes, le jeu devras être très bon, enfin je pense.
ouabde posted the 07/16/2008 at 07:44 AM
Franchement Kid Icarus c'était pas top. Moi j'y ai joué à l'époque, et je n'ai pas du tout d'attente sur ce jeu. Un Zelda serait bien-sûr excellent, quoique ne connaissant pas l'orientation que Nintendo lui donnerait, des interrogations sont encore de mise.
trez posted the 07/16/2008 at 07:52 AM
C'est vrai kid ikarus n'avait rien de sensas, je veux un zelda moi, et rien d'autre.
setzer posted the 07/16/2008 at 07:53 AM
o u @ b d e > bah non c'était pas top Les mecs se montent la tete entre eux et font monter le hype autour d'un jeu qu'ils n'ont pas connu, ils essayent d'en faire une vieille légende, le jeu qui ressurgirait du passé pour les sauver tous de la famine sur leur misérable console de casual... c'est la pensée magique, quand on arrive à ce stade on peu plus faire grand chose
shiks posted the 07/16/2008 at 07:54 AM
Bah moi un Star fox ^^ bon je peux rêver. Un duo wiimote/nunchuk doit être pas mal pour piloter un arwing ou landmaster^^. Kid Icarus c'est surtout après avoir vus Pit dans SSBB, après bon un kid Icarus pourrait être pas mal.
supatony posted the 07/16/2008 at 07:56 AM
en tout cas, j'espère que cette conférence sera celle des vrais gamers.
ouabde posted the 07/16/2008 at 07:57 AM
Antoine Morcos : arrête de troller, tu frôles le bannissement là
shiks posted the 07/16/2008 at 08:09 AM
Antoine Morcos : Rêve pas ^^ à mon avis y aura grand max avec beaucoup de chance 1 jeu gamers. Mais bon dc'est déja bien vus que hier ont à rien eux à par AC.
bigouf posted the 07/16/2008 at 08:12 AM
juste une annonce: fatmitsu annonce dead rising sur wii
ouabde posted the 07/16/2008 at 08:15 AM
xiaomay posted the 07/16/2008 at 08:24 AM
antoine morcos : parce que Wii Sports, AC et Wii Music c'est pas pour les gamers ? ... ok, je suis en manque d'arguments... snif snif
tourte posted the 07/16/2008 at 08:30 AM
Bon, Miyamoto vient de confirmer que le nouveau Zelda est bien en développement, et dit que la série a besoin de changement fondamentaux, tout en restant dans l'esprit de la série. C'est toujours ça de prit, mais n'attendez plus Zelda pour cet E3 =)
arshes posted the 07/16/2008 at 08:43 AM
Rêvons encore...

Parce qu'ils commencent à nous faire doucement chier avec leurs jeux casuals à outrance!
kaa posted the 07/16/2008 at 08:48 AM
Tm > Zelda wii sera un FPS !!!!! et peut-être un remake de LTTP en 3D ! Cell-Shading, Link "adol-ute" bref du tout bon OU PAS !! Ou alors un Zelda : Ocarina-Wiimote strikes back, où l'on pourra jouer toutes les mélodies de Zelda avec la wiimote !!!! ^^
eghwbeqvef posted the 07/16/2008 at 08:51 AM
En tout cas, il leur faut du très lourd après ce qu'ils nous ont montré hier...
shiks posted the 07/16/2008 at 08:53 AM
Ouais Zelda faut oublier ^^ mais qui sait peut-être y auras une grosse surprise à cette conférence privé.
gulian posted the 07/16/2008 at 09:01 AM
Personne ne parle jamais de Pilotwings...
ouabde posted the 07/16/2008 at 09:05 AM
Heu , -- C'est normal !
shiks posted the 07/16/2008 at 09:05 AM
Bah c'est pa supert connu c'est comme Pit avant il était vraiment pas connu et maintenant il ets très connu. Pilotwings pourquoi pas mais je préfèrais un star fox ^^
eghwbeqvef posted the 07/16/2008 at 09:06 AM
Moi, personnellement, je miserais plutôt sur Kid Icarus.
tourte posted the 07/16/2008 at 09:10 AM
C'est vrai que l'annonce qui me ferait le plus plaisir serait un Starfox à l'ancienne et développé par Nintendo.
shiks posted the 07/16/2008 at 09:10 AM
Ouais pareille ou sur Wii Play 2...Bon je déconne mais otn sait jamais ^^. Enfin bon ils avaient dit qu'un jeu gamers serait annonçé durant l'E3. Ah mon avis sa seras à cette conférence privé.
grozourson posted the 07/16/2008 at 09:18 AM
Une nouvelle license ou bien un Zelda... Kid Icarus m'interesse absolument pas. Peut etre un StarFox ou un F-zéro.
gamerps3 posted the 07/16/2008 at 09:22 AM
Wii Giim ! sorte vos balance board !
kpok posted the 07/16/2008 at 09:30 AM
la nouvelle DS
moonlitegamestudio posted the 07/16/2008 at 09:34 AM
Je conseille à beaucoup de ne pas capitaliser trop d'espoir sur cette conférence privée. D'une part pour éviter la déception ( cf. la conférence d'hier et les commentaires qui ont suivis ) et ensuite parce que Nintendo, comme Sony et Capcom ( 30 minutes pour annoncer ... un film en projet ) ne semblent plus considérer l'E3 comme un salon majeur ; sous-entendu pour y faire d'importantes annonces. Pour preuve, Capcom préfère annoncer le portage de Dead Rising version Wii via le Famitsu ( tout un symbole ).
tyler33 posted the 07/16/2008 at 09:42 AM
de toute facon ya un truc tres bizarre c que le line up wii et DS pour noel est vraiment vraiment pauvre pour nintendo, alors a moins que la conf annonce des vrais jeux pour noel et pas pour dans 2 ans, je me demande ce que nintendo est en train de foutre a la fin, le catalogue sur wii est vraiment pauvre, et sur DS moi perso la plupart des jeux nintendo m ont decu meme zelda (pas assez long et pas assez de contenu) et surtout mario (aucune innovation de gameplay, je me suis ennuyé a mourir) et j attends le vrai metroid de la ds car hunters n'etait qu une immonde copie des prime de salon, une copie raté ennuyeuse et repetitive...
shiks posted the 07/16/2008 at 09:43 AM
Ah ouais la nouvelle DS c'est vrai qui avait des rumeurs dessus enfin bon j'espère pas une ds >_
k1fry posted the 07/16/2008 at 09:46 AM
Moonlite > exactement +1
japxgame posted the 07/16/2008 at 09:46 AM
Wii Play 2 compatible avec le Wii motion + XD
legend83 posted the 07/16/2008 at 09:53 AM
Je pense franchement pas qu'une DS soit présenté par Nintendo, la lite casse encore et toujours la baraque, les ventes ne baisse pas et moi même j'en ai jusque là, peut être dans 2 ou 3ans mais pas avant >_
legend83 posted the 07/16/2008 at 10:02 AM
Mais j'ai quand même du mal à comprendre que beaucoup de monde râle sur la conférence d'hier, après tout moi même j'ai té très décu quand elle s'est terminé, mais quand on y repense je suis content car après tout Animal Crossing est un excellent jeu et très complet malgré qu'il soit plus casual, c'est une belle license de Nintendo, même si graphiquement c'est pareil celui ci a l'air très riche j'avais pris la version DS et je n'en revenais pas qu'il soit si complet et accrocheur pourtnzt ce n'est pas mon style de jeu... Ensuite Call of Duty est un jeu pour gamer et Vice City sur DS ?!? C'est plutôt une bonne surprise non? De l'autre côté je truve que Wii Music a l'air bien foutu, alors malgré que ce soit un peu décevant la conférence etait quand même assez riche en nouveauté.
flo3 posted the 07/16/2008 at 10:07 AM
LOL jeremy mars, en plus ca risque d'etre un truc de ce genre
shiks posted the 07/16/2008 at 10:17 AM
Yllix on dirais le commentaire j d'un gars jaloux. Sérieux y as pas que les jeux vidéo dans la vie. En plus nintendo est loin d'être mort. Des fois ont entend de ses conneries -_-
vegas posted the 07/16/2008 at 10:21 AM
>>mario 128
japxgame posted the 07/16/2008 at 10:28 AM
Minibourse==>Je disais ca en rigolant mais j'espère qu'on aura mieux que ca!J'aimerais bien voir,pourquoi pas,une série de la DS sur Wii comme Professeur Layton ^^ M.Vegas==> A bon?Je croyais qu'ils n'en étaient qu'au 56e XD
exerve posted the 07/16/2008 at 10:30 AM
Un Zelda avec les graphiques de Win Waker, mais dans un emballage adulte dans une épopée à la oot, mais avec un héro différent qui est possédé de l'esprit de link... ba ont peut dire n'importe quoi et ça semble intéressant, me demande pourquoi nintendo ont raté leur conférence.
sangokan posted the 07/16/2008 at 10:32 AM
Moi je mise sur une version 3D sur wii de zelda a link to the past. Eiji Aonuma en avait parlé il y a pas trés longtemps de son désir de porter le jeu sur console de salon .
kayl posted the 07/16/2008 at 10:32 AM
Edgard et les autres => Allez vous pendre SVP... Et arrêtez bande de gamins de vous montez la tête entre pro-bidule et pro-machin... Soyez pro-jeux, merde. On dirait que vous avez que ça à faire de vous gazer entre vous. C'est pathétique. A chaque fois que je postais un truc sur feu jeuxfrance c'était la même... Nintendo est mort ? Hahahahahahaha !!!!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted the 07/16/2008 at 10:34 AM
c 'est a quel heure , heure française ?????
hayatevibritania posted the 07/16/2008 at 10:38 AM
Je veux un Kid Icarus car tout simplement je suis fan de l'opus NES (jamais jouer à l'opus GB, je pense y remedier aujourd'hui), bref je veux Kid Icarus et un Starfox aussi, et pourquoi pas un pikmin (j'adore les Pikmin, parmi les meilleurs jeux de la gen précédente).
koopa posted the 07/16/2008 at 10:41 AM
Bon alors cette infos, ki avait raison hier soir c moi !!!
biensur j'étais en contact avec antoine
eforie13 posted the 07/16/2008 at 10:47 AM
Oui c'est vers quelle heure la conférence de la derniere chance ce soir ? Je préfere plus m'attendre a rien au moins je serais pas a nouvea deçu
link posted the 07/16/2008 at 10:48 AM
mystére ^^ mais que nous reserve nintendo : Wii ping pong ^^
barbenoire posted the 07/16/2008 at 10:58 AM
Vu leur énorme conférence (......) ils ont du garder le meilleur pour la fin : un nouveau harvest moon!!! ^_^"
link posted the 07/16/2008 at 11:01 AM
oui havrest moon ^^ youpi , mes vacances à la ferme et me fé manger par les vaches , vive la campagne ^^ , non c un gros jeu , jen suis sur ou jai ptre tors ^^
rashka59 posted the 07/16/2008 at 11:09 AM
Un remake de Zelda ocarina of time ou a link to the past sur wii?
koopa posted the 07/16/2008 at 11:11 AM
Bin déjà il parlais d'un remake de a link to the past il y a pas longtemps, en 3d !
weiqin posted the 07/16/2008 at 11:12 AM
Putain à peine on change de site que les trolls sont de retour XD

En attendant j'aimerais bien l'arrivée d'un Kid Icarus....
wiimusicmademearockstar posted the 07/16/2008 at 11:14 AM
It's over, Nintendo are super rich now, they don't need us anymore. There are no real games. They spend their days snorting coke off of hot babes breats while they jazz out to Wii music.

It's the new rich Nintendo, get used to it.
rashka59 posted the 07/16/2008 at 11:14 AM
Justement, ça pourrait etre bien
koopa posted the 07/16/2008 at 11:18 AM
Ouais mais je penche plus pour un Pikmin 3, classic
megadeth posted the 07/16/2008 at 11:20 AM
il vont le dévoiler a quel heure?
shiks posted the 07/16/2008 at 11:21 AM
Weiqin--> Les troll étaient depuis le début tapis dans l'ombre à attendre l'E3 ^^. Bon sinon c'est vrai c'est quand la conférence car si c'est en fin d'apré midi sa voudras dire les minuit c'est sa ?
crazzyman posted the 07/16/2008 at 11:27 AM
Lol! Sony won E3. Nintendo are sore patetic losers! With ALL big Ps3 exclusives comming out, Wii will be behind by mid 2009!

The blue ocean is only so big, and soon all Wii owner will ADAPT onto Ps3
majesdad posted the 07/16/2008 at 11:31 AM
Bon moi en tout cas j'attends rien du tout là après si y'a quelque chose ben tant mieux...
crazzyman posted the 07/16/2008 at 11:33 AM
Just keep getting your hopes up. If you owned a PS3 you woudn't have to hope for 1 crappy little game! You get many GOOD and GREAT games.
mat145 posted the 07/16/2008 at 11:36 AM
I can't wait for Animal Crossing and Wii Sports Resort. They are going to be fun!
setzer posted the 07/16/2008 at 11:36 AM
Kujah > Pour qu'on puisse se pendre, passe nous une nouvelle wii mote avec son gros cable stp SInon c'est quoi les jeux nintendo là, à part des gadget pour mini jeux à la con ? "il n'est pas pire aveugle que celui qui ne veut pas voir"
crazzyman posted the 07/16/2008 at 11:36 AM
LOL! It's a secret conference! Wii fanboys get videos of Wii Music only!

I feel sorry for Wii owners =)
mat145 posted the 07/16/2008 at 11:38 AM
lol, don't feel sorry for us Nintendo fans. we know Nintendo better than they know themselves. I've learned to be patient with them.
crazzyman posted the 07/16/2008 at 11:38 AM
Yea! Animal Crossing with N64 graphics is going to rule =)

And don't forget the techno demo =)
crazzyman posted the 07/16/2008 at 11:41 AM
Yeah, Nintendo fans wait and wait, while PS3 plays games =)
mat145 posted the 07/16/2008 at 11:41 AM
lol, i'm off to bed Crazzy Man. stop putting down Nintendo to make yourself feel better for choosing the PS3. all 3 systems are going to get some kick ass games and we should all be happy. peace out. matias.
moonlitegamestudio posted the 07/16/2008 at 11:58 AM
Les différents intervenants de Nintendo ont clairement indiqués, et faisant suite à la conférence d'hier, qu'il y avait des jeux en développement ( Zelda et consor ). Mais, il n'est absolument pas prévu pour la firme de les annoncer maintenant. Point.
kpok posted the 07/16/2008 at 12:00 PM
pour SSBB il avait été annoncé comme cette prochaine nuit...aux allentours de 4 a 7h du mat....donc si ya rien d'ici demain matin n'esperez plus rien
shiks posted the 07/16/2008 at 12:10 PM
4, 7h ouais bon vais pas faire nuit blache juste pour sa^^
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 12:17 PM
Nintendo's conference was a 1/100! Nothing can save it and nothing can come close to MAG! Sony does it again!

Nintendo is going to announce some boring casual crap, while Ps3 plays games!
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 12:19 PM
News! Nintendo just announced Wii Walk. Hold the Wii mote like you would walk, and the Wii walks for you!

LOL! I to feel sorry for Wii owners.
majesdad posted the 07/16/2008 at 12:27 PM
Nan je vais me matter des bon films et on verra ce que sa donnera...
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 12:35 PM
SC94597 is a classic example of a silly Wii owner who has to justify his purchase.
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 12:38 PM
Hey Rock On whats the weather like in all the way back in 3rd place?
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 12:41 PM
I don't know. I don't own a Wii
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 12:42 PM
exactly, that would be 1st place weather which u dont know.
crazzyman posted the 07/16/2008 at 12:43 PM
ODC, why don't you tell us. You're used to being there =)
crazzyman posted the 07/16/2008 at 12:45 PM
You make no sence ODC =)
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 12:47 PM
all I know is its sunny over here, and the girls are scantilly clad in Wii land
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 12:49 PM
You're in Ps3 land. Ps3 just ate Wii alive.
justwantedtosay posted the 07/16/2008 at 12:51 PM
Ok, first of all, Nintendo did it pretty bad this year, but let us all think back to Sony's conference two years ago:
"It's RIIIIIIDGEEEEE RAAAACERRR!! Ridge Racer!" "Whoops" and ofcourse "This ASHUN game has got battles that actually happened in the ancient Japan. So here's this giant enemy crab"
That year, all the Nintendo-fans were laughing their asses of, and this year the Sony-fans are doing the same at Nintendo, so, wtf, everyone has their bad moments, and all we Nintendo-fans just have to realize that Nintendo have to use a few years to convert all the casual gamers to hardcores, and by the way, the hardcore-games nintendo does release, owns the world.
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 12:52 PM
Haha! ODC ran away with his tail between his legs.
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 12:55 PM
no i dident forgot to refresh
legend83 posted the 07/16/2008 at 12:56 PM
D'après puissance-z, miyamoto aurait dit qu'ils étaient en train de travailler sur un zelda et qu'ils cherchaient une "grande idée" pour le nouvelle opus de la série, en bref je ne pense pas que ce soit un zelda que sera présenté...
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 12:56 PM
how has PS3 eaten Wii alive again?
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 12:56 PM
Bad excuse. You have nothing to stand up with against us.
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 12:57 PM
how about 28 million of us?
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 12:58 PM
Ps3 outsold Wii in Others the last two weeks.

Also, Ola, go back to Norway.
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 12:59 PM
2 weeks out of how many?
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 12:59 PM
LOL Wii won't have more than 40M by end of gen. Nintendo will have another failure, and Sony will dominate again.
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:00 PM
HAHAHA Nintendo will have 40 mil by end of year.
justwantedtosay posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:00 PM
Actually, I'm from Nashville, Tennessee, I've been to Norway once, though.
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:01 PM
Well who the heck cares where you're from.

Also 2 weeks out of 2.
justwantedtosay posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:03 PM
Anyways, you ignored what I wrote 'cos you can't admit it.
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:03 PM
Sony crunched N64, Sony smashed GCN. Sony will beat Wii easy =)
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:04 PM
2 weeks, for consoles that have been out for almost 2
crazzyman posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:05 PM
No 2 weeks out of 2 weeks. Both the last week are the beggining of the win for the Ps3. Soon Japan will follow, and then America.
crazzyman posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:06 PM
LOL Ola. Wait all you want. I will play games on my Ps3. Try to justify all you want, it won't help =)

I feel bad for you =))
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:07 PM
sure. Wii Sports 2 will outsell anything Sony put up at E3 so even if your games have fancy graphics and 50GB of data their still loosing to the frizbee throwing Mii's
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:08 PM
Yeah they won 2 weeks out of the last 80, woo
crazzyman posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:08 PM
Wii Sports 2 has horrid graphics and won't make 2M. Wii music won't even make 1M.
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:09 PM
MAG wont have enough players buying it to fill its online mode
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:10 PM
LOL Wii Sports 2 will sell 1M MAX. Wii Music won't make 500K.

They won the 2 last weeks. It's the beginning. Wii owners are obsessed with the past.
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:10 PM
Meh, there's nothing on the PS3 that's worth playing, maybe in a couple years if that.
justwantedtosay posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:11 PM
This is stupid. Anyways, now I'm going to go play Super Smash Bros Melee, I've had it for over 4 years, and I ain't tired of it. When Sony can make a game like that, I'll congratulate them.
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:11 PM
LOL. Proves what you know.
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:12 PM
Wii Sports 2 could have a bigger launch then GTA4 hell 28 million people have played the sequel.
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:12 PM
360 owns PS3
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:13 PM
Yea Ola. Go play your Gamecube games. They're better than the Wii ones.

And Wii Sports 2 will have a less than 200K launch!
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:13 PM
Maybe I should have been more clear, there isn't anything on the PS3 that is worth playing if you have a Wii and a 360
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:14 PM
Year, 360 owns Ps3 just like the buffaloes owned the indians.
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:15 PM
haha, well lil big planet wont sell 50k
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:15 PM
360 owns PS3 like rock owns rap
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:16 PM
^ Im starting to like this boffo guy
crazzyman posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:16 PM
MGS 4 and Uncharted > the entire Wii library =)

Go play FFXIII at 35 discs, I welcome you =)

Little Big Planet will sell 1M first day, just like MGS 4, GTA and such. No Wii games do that =)
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:17 PM
Mario Kart Wii > the entire PS3 library
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:18 PM
Smash Bros & Galaxy > Ps3
crazzyman posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:18 PM
Mario Kart Wii is the same as the GC game. The N64 game > the GC one. Crash racing > The N64 one.

Crash on PSX > MKWii
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:19 PM
pfft, Donkey Kong on SNES had better GRfx then most Ps1 games
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:19 PM
Wii discs and 360 discs hold the same amount...
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:19 PM
LOL Crzzy is so correct.

Smash Bros is a kiddy fighter.. LBP > Galaxy.
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:20 PM
LBP is just a bunch of moldy puppets.
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:20 PM
LOL some people here are pretty desilusional.

And Boffo, yes, but Ps3 holds like 50 times more!
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:21 PM
nah if you enjoyed mario kart, you'd know it was better, but just like a friend of mine who hates it now because i slaughter him at it........ people hate what they suck at
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:22 PM
since some of your biggest games coughFFXIIIcough are multi plat whats the 50 times more for?
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:22 PM
Halo 3 looks like toy soldiers
SMG looks like crap
SSBB is a kiddy fighter.
luffy posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:23 PM
Sur nintendo france confirme que nintendo bosse sur un nouveau zelda et un nouveau mario pour la Wii
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:23 PM
FFXIII will be heaps better on Ps3 than X360. FF is also all the 360 has.
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:24 PM
LBP in graphics only.. Wii Settings Menu > the entire PS3 library
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:25 PM
The PS3 is just a me-too console trying to copy the 360 but failing.
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:25 PM
^ HAHAH I would rather use the Everybody Channel then play 5 min of Resistance 2
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:25 PM
Boffo has some serious issues in discussing.
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:26 PM
crazzyman posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:26 PM
Everybody votes is rigged =) Nintendo gives the answers they prefer.
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:27 PM
haha probably Shiggy wants you to prefer summer to winter.
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:28 PM
Ah you know what, everyone should just have all 3 consoles and a high-end PC and enjoy all games.
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:29 PM
should everyone rob a bank too? cuz thats the only way thats happening.
crazzyman posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:29 PM
Shigeru Miyamoto is a radish. He does nothing anymore. He's a sham. Just like Iwata. Sony has real people =)
temporell posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:30 PM
linkstar babyrock --> t'a raison c'est un jeu interdit au -18ans pour son contenu s***
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:31 PM
^lol that's such a ridiculous statement, you're just saying that to see what we say back
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:32 PM
Ill tell Reggie you said that
crazzyman posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:32 PM
Boffo, why own a Wii? It has no quality games, and Ps3 has all good 360 games.

PC is dying too. Ps3 wins. Next gen, Sony will be only console =)
crazzyman posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:33 PM
Boffo, you already proved you're crazy." Wii Settings Menu > the entire PS3 library" my ass.

You'd buy "Wii Picnic", "Wii care for old people" and "Wii walk in the park"
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:34 PM
lol PS3 is choking on losses, Nintendo makes the most money, and 360 who knows, i think they broke even, if anything this is sony's last chance, i would own a wii even if the only game on it was Mario Kart
crazzyman posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:35 PM
And you own Nintendo stock, huh? Damage control FTW!

You would own a Wii for a N64 gameplay and graphics game? LOL =)
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:36 PM
nah, Wii Sports Resort looks promising except for the dog game, that's for girls obviously, i would basically just want a new mario kart every year or every month....or week
crazzyman posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:37 PM
Wii Sports with 1:1? LOL Nintendo lies and you buy it!

And Thanny, shut up.
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:37 PM
n64 gameplay what does that mean, since nintendo was the first to put an analog stick on a controller, i guess so.....does that mean every ps3/360/wii fps is n64 gameplay because they are basically glorified goldeneyes
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:38 PM
Sorry Crazzy, I'm watching the Tour so I can't help prove this nuts wrong.
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:39 PM
Nintendo was the first with an analog stick? LOL moron.

MKWii has no improvements over MK64, and MK64 was outdated when it came out. Nintendo fans buy anything.

And Thanny, shut up silly.
koopa posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:39 PM
On sera que ce soir très tard apparament vers 4h du mat' qu fait nuit blanche ?
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:40 PM
who was the first with an analog stick then?
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:40 PM
ODC has chickened out! He cannot stand up against logic.
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:40 PM
...Well Sony definalty wasent 1st, they stole the analog stick and rumble in that very generation.
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:41 PM
you're the moron, you don't even have a clue what you're talking about....what you think the ps1 had an analog stick first?
crazzyman posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:42 PM
LOL you guys know nothing about video games. Typical Nintendo owners. Just wanabees.

Sorry, I'm watching the tour too.
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:42 PM
haha no response so you try to deflect the issue, nice job
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:42 PM
I dont wanabee dead last, do you boffo?
crazzyman posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:43 PM
LOL the analog stick didn't come in the 5th gen =)
crazzyman posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:44 PM
I leave. Discussing with morons gets boring.
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:44 PM
broken Atari sticks dont count
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:45 PM
analog stick came with the n64, you're thinking of digital stick, what are you 10, is the ps3 your first console? "and your response will be..... are you 40"
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:45 PM
Then the Wii doesn't count. It's motion controls are broken.
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:45 PM
Ps3 owners give up to easily lol.

Been fun.
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:46 PM
ODC, you have barely posted at all you chicken.
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:46 PM
fixed now with +
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:46 PM
ya crazzy man, better run and resort to insults when you don't know what you're talking about, is that how you win arguments with your mom
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:47 PM
Boffo, you're the incorrect one.
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:47 PM
iv posted alot.
And speaking of motion controls dosent the PS3 have does too? or did they realise a broken controller isint fun.
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:48 PM
incorrect about what, is he 11
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:50 PM
LOL personal attacks, huh? I just proved you wrong.
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:50 PM
an addition that everyone knows is thrown in there just to try to steal some of the Wii's charm, only to be totally unrepsonive and makes games *lair* unplayable.
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:51 PM
Boffo, I think you should leave. This is getting embarrasing - for you.

Lair was fixed. shows what you know.
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:51 PM
Heh, try playing goldeneye with an atari joystick, it has 8 directions only, fps needs 360 degrees which started at .......n64
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:52 PM
shows that if a game is broken people lose interest and dont go back for more misery
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:53 PM
Rock On, you want to get rid of me because you can't stand confrontation. Go be the bully in the schoolyard.
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:54 PM
personal attacks were started with crazzy man...... i guess you proved him wrong
psrock posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:54 PM
Crazzy and Rock, i am truly embarrassed that you guys are making such fools of your selves. As a ps3 owners, why do you guys care so much about Nintendo.

And to attack sc is low and he really does not deserve. He's in a different level than you guys.
It's quite shameful what you guys have done today. I am disappointed in both of you.
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:56 PM
wow its like the wise old teacher rearing the kids
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:56 PM
I'm disappointed in them as well. Well said.
wiips360forthewin posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:57 PM
i wonder if its a new mario or zelda game, that would make lots of ninty fans happy, personally im not that bothered (unless it turns out to be some sort of awesome shooter)
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:58 PM
prolly Kid Icarus IMO
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:59 PM
ya probably
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 01:59 PM
so did VGC just annex this website?
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:01 PM
Wow, Boffo, you've got some serious troubles.
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:01 PM
that was fun, reminds me of irc bitchfests
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:03 PM
serious troubles because I don't agree with you and I prove you wrong in every post
ohdeecee posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:04 PM
ya it was, havent done something since back in the DMB days.
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:04 PM
Why are you complaining about me and Crazzy? Boffo was much worse than us.

I guess this is another Wii site ... Sigh
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:06 PM
You proved me wrong? Did you read the same as me?
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:06 PM
not at all, i just had to retort to 2 different people, so I had double the posts....does that make sense to you?
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:07 PM
Did you read the same as me? "Not at all."

That's nice.

But seriously, you posted ignorant claims over and over again. You were no better than me by any means, if you think I was so bad.
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:08 PM
You're trying to tell me you can use an atari joystick to play an fps with a wikipedia article, yeah
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:09 PM
I said that they had the first analog stick. That was correct. The truth isn't what you make it.
psrock posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:09 PM
you guys were attacking vg members for no reason. And frankly, there's really no way of defending the crap i have seen you say today.

just leave it be, both of you.
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:09 PM
naw you weren't sooo bad, you don't deserve to die or anything, actually when i said i was disappointed, it was a joke, because i have no reason to be disappointed because i don't know what do i have to compare to?
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:10 PM
the first modern analog controller, i didn't think i'd have to pretext it with 10 adjectives....but ya i'm done
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:12 PM
...if he's done
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:21 PM
I said the first analog controller. Not the first modern analog controler. You can't say something like that and then say you're done!
foxi911 posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:25 PM
Well you should all know,When Starfox wii comes on the wii it will be the pwns ect. Online dogfights weapons,capture the flag,and alot more wii got games they just need to justify them or talk about there action games....stupid sony fans
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:26 PM

That's not possible on Wii.
foxi911 posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:28 PM dont follow the starfox series then!!? So you cant say that searh starfox and you will see
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:29 PM
I meant the online. The Wiis online isn't exactly medium notch.
foxi911 posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:32 PM
..........Mkw wii online is great.....But Starfox could have dogfights and weapons and all of that core stuff...It doesnt have to be like brawl laging lag.....and I think this is the game they will announce thats core
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:34 PM
MKWii has an online that takes no power at all. Brawl has tons more action on screen, and look at how crappy that is online. Star Fox would have even more, and be even crappier.
boffo posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:35 PM
ya mario kart wii online is perfect, brawl had problems - they ironed them out, i don't play brawl, and no idea how the medal of honor wii with 32 player runs
linkstar posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:37 PM
Nuit blanche pour découvrir un jeu Hardcore et se retrouver avec Cooking Mama? Ou encore les Lapins? Normal que Nintendo fasse des Zelda et des Mario! Il n'y a que ça pour les gamers! Il n'y a que ça qui marche à par leur merde de WiiSport, WiiFit, WiiMusic et tout les Wiimachins. Nintendo ne peut pas se renouveler pour les gamers juste pour les casuals.
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:37 PM
MKWii online is okay. It has severe limitations, but runs smooth. The best Nintendo has done, but still way short of Sony's online.
foxi911 posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:37 PM
...Well nintendos online is getting better and better every game and starfox online will be beast so shutup....and sony sucks period..Only FPs and MGS thats the only thing they rely on....Nintendo beats sony anyday they have alot of franchises sony only has 2 lol!
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:38 PM

You've got to be freaking kidding me.
foxi911 posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:41 PM
Yea I still have hope for nintendo...Even doh they messed up bad at e3 and sony...showed the same crap Microsoft won in my opinon..Sony will never be on top again NEVA! either Nintendo or Microsoft will get over it!
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:44 PM
Sony showed something new and original. Nintendo showed Wii Sports 2, and a game they've released twice before.
foxi911 posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:46 PM
ok...Nintendo even confirmed,they know they only showed casual games why do you think there have a second conf. so yea you got burnt stupid sony fan
link posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:47 PM
oui moi je veux un jeu gamers même si c une new license
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:49 PM
You're several times worse.

You're so rabid a Nintendo fan you're desilusionated. Of course Nintendo knows what they're showing, they're stupid, but not that stupid.

The second conf will show Wii music playable or something. Nothing big by any means. Maybe more Wii Sport 2 games.
supatony posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:49 PM
Si Nintendo dévoilé un nouveau jeu à la conférence, ca sera un jeu de gamer, donc surement une bonne surprise. la conférence privée est à 17h30 heure LA, donc +9 heures pour avoir l'heure francaise.
eforie13 posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:51 PM
A mon avis on peut s'attendre au retour de PUNCH OUT ! avec l'annonce du wii motion plus ... je pense que si presentation d'un jeu sera faite ce sera celui-ci
wiips360forthewin posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:54 PM
im gonna kill myself
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:55 PM

You're gonna regret that for the rest of your life.
wiips360forthewin posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:55 PM
lol, suck on that biatch
eforie13 posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:55 PM
Quoi que , il faudrait 2 wiimote pour y jouer et a mon avis une balance board ... bon esperons qu'il ne l'annonce pas
shiks posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:56 PM
Linkstar---> Y as les metroid, star fox, Fire emblem, SSb. (bien que déja sortit), les anciennes license style Kid icarus, pikmin (oui c'ets un peux pour gamer), les tales of bien que ce n'est pas de nintendo, et Mario et Zelda. Donc tu voit y as pas que Mario et zelda.
wiips360forthewin posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:57 PM
im already dead inside, have been for months
foxi911 posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:57 PM
whateva....stupid sony fan....go play your fps XP and boring MGs while I have fun rp with nintendo peeps
link posted the 07/16/2008 at 02:59 PM
et les jeux casuals c pas de la merde , c bien mai trop c trop , et on peut critiquer un truc qui marche et qu'on aime. je le cris " NINTENDO A RATE SA CONFERENCE , SONY A FAIT MIEUX SANS PLUS , Microsoft est le seul a avoir passé la moyenne à mes yeux" et je souhaite de tout mon coeur et mon âme que " NINTENDO SE CASSE LA GUELLE ET RETROUVE SA PLACE D'AVANT ET QU'ON REDONNE LA PLACE DU 1ER QUI SE FOUT DES JOUEURS A SONY NON DE DIEU" , donc arreter de dire que les fan de Nintendo sont aveugle , on peut être critique et aimer la chose qu'on critique , ce n'est pas antagoniste !!!!!! et allez voir les réactions des différents site Nintendo et vous verrez que j'ai raison !!!!!! merci et gardez espoir les fans de Nintendo , nous sommes des joueurs avant tout , pas des étiquettes de parti (on se croit presque en politique avec tout c pro) . La parole d'un joueur avant celle d'un fan de Nintendo ^^
foxi911 posted the 07/16/2008 at 03:00 PM
also see how Ps3 fans are there killing themselves lol!
wiips360forthewin posted the 07/16/2008 at 03:00 PM
i will haunt you
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 03:00 PM
Spone, Ps360 owns all consoles. You just owned yourself.
wiips360forthewin posted the 07/16/2008 at 03:01 PM
Why didnt i ask her out?
foxi911 posted the 07/16/2008 at 03:02 PM
na Wii does.......By the end of the wii cycle it will have alot of core games
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 03:02 PM
Because she wasn't nice. We've been over this.
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 03:04 PM
Yup, hardcore titles like Wii Music, Wii Fit and Wii Sports 2.
wiips360forthewin posted the 07/16/2008 at 03:05 PM
i dont even know if she liked me, but i really liked her
shiks posted the 07/16/2008 at 03:08 PM
Beau discours XD C'est vrai sur les site Nintendo, les joueur réagissent mieux qu'ici. Moi perso je veut juste que Nintendo arrête de se focaliser sur le casual. Mais la j'ai l'imprésion qu'a Leipiz (dsl de l'orthographe) et à la GC Tendo' feras bien mieux qu'à l'E3.
wiips360forthewin posted the 07/16/2008 at 03:09 PM
neozylom posted the 07/16/2008 at 03:22 PM
Nintendo n'est pas à la GC de Leipzing, ni au TGS...
ing09 posted the 07/16/2008 at 03:23 PM
Nintendo sera absent lors du Games Convention... ^^
vinze posted the 07/16/2008 at 03:24 PM
Je veux pas en rajouter une couche mais nintendo ne fait pas péter la games convention cette année ?
arrrghl posted the 07/16/2008 at 03:25 PM
peut etre un kirby ( bah ouai personne n'y pense a cette boule rose ^^ )
vinze posted the 07/16/2008 at 03:26 PM
Ah bah si c'est bien ce qui me semblait, j'avais pas actualiser la page. Et pour vraiment en rajouter une couche nintendo ne participe jamais au TGS ^^
vinze posted the 07/16/2008 at 03:28 PM
Sinon pour le jeu je pense a disaster tout simplement car il était sensé être présenter à cet E3 (de merde)
mickey69 posted the 07/16/2008 at 03:31 PM
Un remake de A Link To The Past et je suis aux anges...
hiiro posted the 07/16/2008 at 03:38 PM
On n'est même pas sûr qu'il y aura un jeu d'annoncé.
On s'en fout? Bon bein je verrais bien Pikmin mouwa
tourte posted the 07/16/2008 at 03:56 PM
Hiiro > oui enfin, je pense pas que Nintendo s'amuse à faire des conférences privées pour parler du beau temps et de comment Nintendo y vend plein de consoles
tourte posted the 07/16/2008 at 03:57 PM
Et comme la fonction édité n'est toujours pas présente, je récidive pour dire que je suis de ton avis, je ne suis pas du tout contre un nouveau Pikmin !
foxi911 posted the 07/16/2008 at 04:06 PM
rock on is a noob...He just keep hatin nintendo..because there on top
shiks posted the 07/16/2008 at 04:11 PM
XD merde ni TGS ni GC bah tan pis il annonceront les jeux sans les conférence ^^
raioh posted the 07/16/2008 at 04:11 PM
Hum, sur il y a une interview ou le mec dit qu'un Zelda et un nouveau Mario est bien prévu à voir donc...
link posted the 07/16/2008 at 04:12 PM
Nintendo se met à la mode de Apple au lieu , de attendre en savant les jeuux qu'on va avoir , maintenant on attend dans inconnu , lol mais ils ont pensé qu'on doit faire des économies avant d'acheter un jeu lol , car si il m'annonce un zelda 1 mois avant c chouette mais si jai pas la tune , je fais comment , Nintendo me fé credit ^^
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 04:17 PM
Spone, ask anyone. It's pretty obvious you're the moron here.
leojoseph posted the 07/16/2008 at 04:23 PM
Rock On. Stop. Just stop. Same for you Sponebob.

You're just stupid fanboys. It's a fact that the 360 has the best online, biggest selection, and the best future line-up.

The Wii has a few crappy games - nothing special. SMG, SSBB and MKWii are okay, but not a lot above mediocre.

None of the Ps3's games do actually come out. Home is delayed again and again, FFXIII won't come out for another 2 years, and what's comming out is crappy.

The PC has nothing at all.
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 04:25 PM
LOL! Rockerman's even worse than Sponebob and Boffo!

You haven't even played the Ps3.

The 360 has nothing that the Ps3 or PC doesn't get.
leojoseph posted the 07/16/2008 at 04:29 PM
The 360 gets everything PC gets. It also gets everything Ps3 gets. Buying Ps3/PC is just moronic. Go to Gamefaqs, Gamespot or Neogaf - they will all tell you the same.

Not only that, the 360 also gets the best exclusives.
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 04:31 PM
The Ps3 gets the best exclusives. What does 360 get? Halo Wars and Gears 2. Nothing else.

Ps3 gets MGS 4, GT5, FFXIII and more.
foxi911 posted the 07/16/2008 at 04:33 PM
rockerman mind your on bussiness the 360 has the ring of death so stfu lol
leojoseph posted the 07/16/2008 at 04:34 PM
FFXIII? The Ps3 is getting the inferior version of that. MGS 4 is out, and no match for 360's already out exclusives. GT5 is comming in 2010. LBP cracks me up. It's so bad it could have been on Wii!
moonlitegamestudio posted the 07/16/2008 at 04:35 PM
5pm - Nintendo Exclusive Developer Discussion

Planning d'autres développeur :
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 04:37 PM
Inferior version of FFXIII? All '08 multiplats are better on Ps3. What does the 360 have though? Banjo - A game living on what earlier games did. Halo Wars - Cash in. Bad RTS, living solely on the Halo name. Gears 2 - looks on par with Gears, so outdated.
leojoseph posted the 07/16/2008 at 04:40 PM
Spone, if I had minded my own business you had been owned like hell. The RROD is now below 5%. The SSBB problem is at 3%, so you don't have big bragging rights.

You bought the worst console a gamer could. Live with it, no need to justify.
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 04:42 PM
Yeah Spone. Go back to "Wii Walk". Or wait for the new 1:1 eating game. Move your hand to your mouth, and your Mii eats! Amazing.
link posted the 07/16/2008 at 04:44 PM
oui donc sa serra pour demain matin ^^ , car bon j'aime Nintendo mais jaime aussi dormir
leojoseph posted the 07/16/2008 at 04:45 PM
Or perhaps Wii care for the Elderly. Get your very own old man, and care for him, by moving the food to his mouth, move him over, or stand still by his bed. All this, for no cost at all. Other than the original 50 dollars.
foxi911 posted the 07/16/2008 at 04:48 PM
whateva wii pwns end of it
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 04:49 PM
Wii swim is also a viable option. Move the remote like you'd swim, and your Mii swims for you! Pure awesomeness.
foxi911 posted the 07/16/2008 at 04:52 PM
You havent said nothing about nintendos core franchises so you cant put down the wii ex.kid Icarus,Zelda,mario,Starfox,Fzero and much more
leojoseph posted the 07/16/2008 at 04:57 PM
Kid Icarus is made by Factor Five. Factor 5 is crap. Look at Lair. On Wii, it is going to be even worse.

Zelda - downhill like hell since OoT. TP wasn't very good.

Mario - you mean Mario Party, Soccer and baseball? They're not AAA, AA or even A.

Fzero - Miyamoto said there won't be one.

Starfox - Did you play the GC one? A big rip-off of other games. Don't expect anything from the Wii one.

Wii is even worse than Ps3!
foxi911 posted the 07/16/2008 at 05:01 PM
all 360 has is Halo so stfu
leojoseph posted the 07/16/2008 at 05:02 PM
X360 is a unicorn

Ps3 is a cow

Wii is a cockroach
leojoseph posted the 07/16/2008 at 05:03 PM
All Wii has is metroid

See, I can be a complete moron too!
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 05:04 PM
"See, I can be a complete moron too!"

We had already understood that by your last 15 comments.
foxi911 posted the 07/16/2008 at 05:05 PM
-_- we just dont have metriod,well then there all equal happy
leojoseph posted the 07/16/2008 at 05:06 PM
LOL. The Wii is equal to the X360? Not a change.
foxi911 posted the 07/16/2008 at 05:08 PM
omg stfu.....There are diff. The wii is about fun....360 is like omg I have to killed this ugly allien thing.....
leojoseph posted the 07/16/2008 at 05:15 PM
The flawed logic is strong in this one.
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 05:20 PM
If the Wii is about fun, the developers failed miserably.
frontline posted the 07/16/2008 at 05:22 PM
Reading Rock On's posts make me LMAO. You can see that he obviously knows absolutely nothing about 360 or Wii, nor any of there games.

Its funny how he thinks he knows everything, when half the things he says are wrong.
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 05:24 PM
Oh David. Either say something relevant, or shut up. Personal attacks without reason aren't cool.
leojoseph posted the 07/16/2008 at 05:25 PM
David, back off! Don't attack the guy - attack his points. You're worse than Rock On. It appears you think you know everything too, but you're probably a nut.
zorglub posted the 07/16/2008 at 05:33 PM
C'est quoi l'heure française de la "présentation" ?
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 05:33 PM
Rockerman, you should back off. He did one post, you've done personal attacks over 50 posts stupid! Look at yourself not others.
leojoseph posted the 07/16/2008 at 05:35 PM
What the F...? YOU accuse someone for personal attacks? The guy who's been going for the chest all the time today? That's a new low mister. You're worse than the Wii.
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 05:37 PM
I'm worse than the Wii? Wow, that's pretty harsh man. But well, what should I expect from a 360 owner. I mean, you have to pay for online, no wonder you're bitter.
leojoseph posted the 07/16/2008 at 05:40 PM
Hey, I have the money to pay for online. Most 360 owners do, as they are the smarter class. I mean, who with a brain would buy a Ps3? 449 dollars for a machine that does less than the 360, which costs 299.
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 05:42 PM
So the smarter class is mainly 13 year olds screaming online? I don't think a lot of people share your vision of smart.
leojoseph posted the 07/16/2008 at 05:43 PM
Hey, at least we have some decent games to play online. Resistance and Motorstorm aren't exactly top notch online experience, now are they?
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 05:47 PM
At least it's free. Nothing's better than free.
Resistance > Halo 3.
kpok posted the 07/16/2008 at 05:52 PM
kpok posted the 07/16/2008 at 05:53 PM
ou plutot 1h30
hiiro posted the 07/16/2008 at 06:06 PM
Tard, pour faire court
eghwbeqvef posted the 07/16/2008 at 06:06 PM
Bon, je le saurai demain matin: ça me laisse la possibilité de rêver des annonces les plus folles...
innake posted the 07/16/2008 at 07:02 PM
Je serais pas contre un remake d'un Zelda, tout beau, tout neuf, tout magnifique ! Enfin ils ont un tel potentiel de licences chez Nintendo, on se demande pourquoi ils n'en profitent pas plus sérieusement...
foxi911 posted the 07/16/2008 at 07:47 PM
warmijwilf posted the 07/16/2008 at 07:48 PM
rockerman manrock posted the 07/16/2008 at 05:34 PM
FFXIII? The Ps3 is getting the inferior version of that.

How the hell is the PS3 geting the inferior version when it's going to only be on one disc and the 360 version is gonna be on about 10? And if it's online, then the PS3 version would be better because IT IS FREE.
Name one way in which FF13 will be better on the 360
warmijwilf posted the 07/16/2008 at 07:49 PM
and tbh this war between sponebob and rock on is a lil boring. I think both PS3 and Wii are good consoles (but Wii is getting a lil repetitive and boring recently for me), but there's just something I don't like about the 360
snowblind posted the 07/16/2008 at 07:58 PM
Congratulations, you guys have already turned this place into a cesspool of fanboyism rivaling Gametrailers, a feet I wouldn't have thought possible.

Grow up, start playing games, instead of the individual systems, and stop making ignorant and hypocritical statements about games, which you clearly know nothing about.
warmijwilf posted the 07/16/2008 at 08:03 PM
foxi911 posted the 07/16/2008 at 08:06 PM
Nintendo Ftw Starfox wii yeaaa.Pwns Microsoft and sony
warmijwilf posted the 07/16/2008 at 08:07 PM
no u lie steven d sponebob no ninty sux sega rulz ftw

...You do realise I'm just doing this for teh lulz. I'm not actually any system fanboy. More of an Anti-360 fanboy thingy. But Megadrive is sweet
lilmarsu posted the 07/16/2008 at 08:16 PM
C'est ptet le pire Innake. Des possibilités gâchées, ca me frustre trop. Quand je vois le nombre de licence qui pourrait prendre une direction nouvelle avec de nouvelles visions, ca me trou le Ucq. Faut y'a quelqu'un à abattre chez Nintendo, je sais pas qui tire les ficelles du gaspillage de talent, mais faut le pendre. Rien qu'avec les vieilles licences y'a de quoi faire du bon, j'imagine pas avec du frais et neuf
foxi911 posted the 07/16/2008 at 09:08 PM
what was the game?
rockon posted the 07/16/2008 at 10:31 PM
Steven D has some serious issues.

Oh, and the game was Zelda Wii.
foxi911 posted the 07/16/2008 at 10:37 PM
o where did you find it
foxi911 posted the 07/16/2008 at 10:38 PM
and how did you see it?
foxi911 posted the 07/16/2008 at 11:03 PM
it hasnt even happen yet....stupid ps3 fan
kiku1x posted the 07/17/2008 at 12:08 AM
Mais arrêtez d'espérer un remake de Zelda bordel de merde, pourquoi vous espérez pas un nouveau Zelda qui soit bien.. Putain les mecs vous puez la pituite quoi :@
nintendoguy11 posted the 07/19/2008 at 11:55 PM
wow sponebob your such a retard. with nintendos crappy online its basically impossible to do that good of star fox wii
and by the way PS3 and Wii are equal so stfu sponebob.
boffo posted the 11/23/2014 at 08:30 AM
Crazzyman and Rockon, you can go fuck yourselves.
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