New Nintendo game at today's Nintendo private conf ?
In a few hours,
Nintendo could unveil a new game during a private conference at E3 2008. We are very optimistic on this one, because this kind of conference often hides great announcements at
Nintendo. This was the case two years ago with the same roundtable for
Super Smash Bros. Brawl for Wii which was unveiled (one of my best moments at E3). We are covering this event, so we should have the answer soon.
posted the 07/16/2008 at 06:49 AM by
Antoine Morcos
Parce qu'ils commencent à nous faire doucement chier avec leurs jeux casuals à outrance!
biensur j'étais en contact avec antoine
En attendant j'aimerais bien l'arrivée d'un Kid Icarus....
It's the new rich Nintendo, get used to it.
The blue ocean is only so big, and soon all Wii owner will ADAPT onto Ps3
I feel sorry for Wii owners =)
And don't forget the techno demo =)
Nintendo is going to announce some boring casual crap, while Ps3 plays games!
LOL! I to feel sorry for Wii owners.
"It's RIIIIIIDGEEEEE RAAAACERRR!! Ridge Racer!" "Whoops" and ofcourse "This ASHUN game has got battles that actually happened in the ancient Japan. So here's this giant enemy crab"
That year, all the Nintendo-fans were laughing their asses of, and this year the Sony-fans are doing the same at Nintendo, so, wtf, everyone has their bad moments, and all we Nintendo-fans just have to realize that Nintendo have to use a few years to convert all the casual gamers to hardcores, and by the way, the hardcore-games nintendo does release, owns the world.
Also, Ola, go back to Norway.
Also 2 weeks out of 2.
I feel bad for you =))
They won the 2 last weeks. It's the beginning. Wii owners are obsessed with the past.
And Wii Sports 2 will have a less than 200K launch!
Go play FFXIII at 35 discs, I welcome you =)
Little Big Planet will sell 1M first day, just like MGS 4, GTA and such. No Wii games do that =)
Crash on PSX > MKWii
Smash Bros is a kiddy fighter.. LBP > Galaxy.
And Boffo, yes, but Ps3 holds like 50 times more!
SMG looks like crap
SSBB is a kiddy fighter.
PC is dying too. Ps3 wins. Next gen, Sony will be only console =)
You'd buy "Wii Picnic", "Wii care for old people" and "Wii walk in the park"
You would own a Wii for a N64 gameplay and graphics game? LOL =)
And Thanny, shut up.
MKWii has no improvements over MK64, and MK64 was outdated when it came out. Nintendo fans buy anything.
And Thanny, shut up silly.
Sorry, I'm watching the tour too.
Been fun.
And speaking of motion controls dosent the PS3 have does too? or did they realise a broken controller isint fun.
The Ps3 doesn't focus only on motion controls. It has it as an addition. That's the smart way.
Lair was fixed. shows what you know.
And to attack sc is low and he really does not deserve. He's in a different level than you guys.
It's quite shameful what you guys have done today. I am disappointed in both of you.
I guess this is another Wii site ... Sigh
That's nice.
But seriously, you posted ignorant claims over and over again. You were no better than me by any means, if you think I was so bad.
just leave it be, both of you.
That's not possible on Wii.
You've got to be freaking kidding me.
You're so rabid a Nintendo fan you're desilusionated. Of course Nintendo knows what they're showing, they're stupid, but not that stupid.
The second conf will show Wii music playable or something. Nothing big by any means. Maybe more Wii Sport 2 games.
You're gonna regret that for the rest of your life.
On s'en fout? Bon bein je verrais bien Pikmin mouwa
You're just stupid fanboys. It's a fact that the 360 has the best online, biggest selection, and the best future line-up.
The Wii has a few crappy games - nothing special. SMG, SSBB and MKWii are okay, but not a lot above mediocre.
None of the Ps3's games do actually come out. Home is delayed again and again, FFXIII won't come out for another 2 years, and what's comming out is crappy.
The PC has nothing at all.
You haven't even played the Ps3.
The 360 has nothing that the Ps3 or PC doesn't get.
Not only that, the 360 also gets the best exclusives.
Ps3 gets MGS 4, GT5, FFXIII and more.
Planning d'autres développeur :
You bought the worst console a gamer could. Live with it, no need to justify.
Zelda - downhill like hell since OoT. TP wasn't very good.
Mario - you mean Mario Party, Soccer and baseball? They're not AAA, AA or even A.
Fzero - Miyamoto said there won't be one.
Starfox - Did you play the GC one? A big rip-off of other games. Don't expect anything from the Wii one.
Wii is even worse than Ps3!
Ps3 is a cow
Wii is a cockroach
See, I can be a complete moron too!
We had already understood that by your last 15 comments.
Its funny how he thinks he knows everything, when half the things he says are wrong.
Resistance > Halo 3.
FFXIII? The Ps3 is getting the inferior version of that.
How the hell is the PS3 geting the inferior version when it's going to only be on one disc and the 360 version is gonna be on about 10? And if it's online, then the PS3 version would be better because IT IS FREE.
Name one way in which FF13 will be better on the 360
Grow up, start playing games, instead of the individual systems, and stop making ignorant and hypocritical statements about games, which you clearly know nothing about.
...You do realise I'm just doing this for teh lulz. I'm not actually any system fanboy. More of an Anti-360 fanboy thingy. But Megadrive is sweet
Oh, and the game was Zelda Wii.
and by the way PS3 and Wii are equal so stfu sponebob.