friend cloud (2)
friends : 2
followers : 0
following : 0
sex : male
birthday : 02/24/1993
country : France
toshiro the 06/04/24 at 08:47 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article [Spécial] Top 5 / Meilleurs jeux Co-op Local / Gamekyo.
"Pikmin 3 Luigi's Mansion 3 Trine 2 Cuphead A Way Out"
toshiro the 04/24/24 at 02:04 PM
has voted for the article Les sorties du mois de mai 2024.
toshiro the 05/20/22 at 01:52 PM
toshiro the 03/28/21 at 08:30 PM
toshiro the 07/24/20 at 12:35 PM
has voted for the article [PS4/Switch] Kamen Rider / Trailer.
toshiro the 06/25/20 at 01:24 PM
toshiro the 04/07/20 at 06:34 AM
toshiro the 03/30/20 at 11:07 AM
has added a new comment on the blog article Smash: Arène 12h30.
"Merci pour les duels, je dois y aller, je reviendrais plus tard si l'arène est toujours ouverte."
toshiro the 03/30/20 at 09:41 AM
has added a new comment on the blog article Smash: Arène 12h30.
"Je vais essayer de venir, pareil depuis la Suisse, en théorie je ne lag pas ;)"
toshiro the 03/30/20 at 09:20 AM
has voted for the article Smash: Arène 12h30.