group information
Rôle Playing Kyo
title : Le groupe des passionnés de J-RPG !
screen name : roleplaying
official website : http://
creator : hyoga57
creation date : 09/23/2014
last update : 12/02/2024
description : Rôle Playing Kyo est un groupe dédié à 100% aux J-RPG, que ce soit de l'action RPG, du Tactical RPG, Dungeon RPG et même des RPG dit classiques, ce groupe se focalisera sur toute l'actualité du J-RPG, mais également sur les J-RPG du passé, que ce soit des tests, des news ou même des interview.
articles : 574
visites since opening : 2068108
subscribers : 51
bloggers : 8
    Who likes this ?
    akinen, kabuki, tvirus, olimar59, eldren, escobar, milo42, hado78, arngrim, kuroni, rbz, furtifdor, yakuzin, e3payne, odv78, ootaniisensei, kikibearentongues, darksly, kisukesan, rebellion, joegillianprime, linuxclan, slad, spawnini, barberousse, onsentapedequijesuis, victornewman, freematt, zakovu
    posted the 01/09/2016 at 07:43 AM by hyoga57
      Who likes this ?
      kabuki, eldren, eldrick, kibix, kikibearentongues, kuramayohko, asakim
      posted the 11/15/2015 at 04:26 AM by hyoga57
        Who likes this ?
        tvirus, spilner, eldren, milo42, draculax, op4, strez, hado78, fullbuster, arngrim, e3payne, artornass, kibix, ootaniisensei, kikibearentongues, kisukesan, asakim, rebellion, bliss02, kadaj68800, victornewman, freematt, zakovu
        posted the 10/03/2015 at 04:59 AM by hyoga57
          Who likes this ?
          spilner, eldren, bladagun, hado78, furtifdor, loudiyi, drake99, tawara, kisukesan, asakim, stardustx, kadaj68800, aros, vincecastel, zakovu, shiranui
          posted the 07/24/2015 at 08:05 PM by hyoga57
            Who likes this ?
            spilner, olimar59, hado78, kuroni, loudiyi, e3payne, artornass, kisukesan, asakim, loweakgraph, davidsexking, hyoga57, sora78, aros, lightning, zakovu
            posted the 07/21/2015 at 06:03 PM by eldren
            channel (1)