group information
Gamekyo Tests
title : Gamekyo Tests
screen name : gkt
official website : http://
creator : shanks
creation date : 12/30/2017
last update : 02/13/2025
description : Groupe officiel de Gamekyo, où vous pourrez retrouver tests, aperçus, avis de DLC, bilan de Season Pass et parfois des "retour sur" quand la situation le permet.
tags : gamekyo avis tests
articles : 366
visites since opening : 2275985
subscribers : 10
bloggers : 1
    Who likes this ?
    mickurt, manix, link571, shoga, shima, shinz0, kurosama, liquidus, idd, nicolasgourry, giusnake, goldmen33, famimax, gantzeur, kisukesan, yukilin, mattewlogan, anakaris, gunstarred, nindo64, aozora78, icebergbrulant, ducknsexe, parazyt6425, leblogdeshacka, fredator, edgar, iglooo, walterwhite, ravyxxs, sorakairi86, jenicris, cijfer, kevisiano, killia, seiphir0the, bourbon, gankutsuou, uit, kevinmccallisterrr, wu, xevius
    posted the 12/31/2020 at 05:02 PM by shanks
    Who likes this ?
    kabuki, kenpokan, shincloud, sorow, giusnake, goldmen33, aiolia081, whitepotatoes, beni, thekingman1, spontexes, nobleswan, neelek, spawnini, crazyfrag51, chester, kadaj68800, spartan1985, ritalix, mithrandir, gat, leblogdeshacka, roxloud, sonilka, seiphir0the, osiris, axlenz, wu, maitresega
    posted the 09/12/2020 at 04:06 PM by shanks
      Who likes this ?
      arikado, link49, bisba, fiveagainstone, olimar59, rocan, djiman, sorow, azertyuiop2, nicolasgourry, zabuza, sphinx, hado78, famimax, fifine, chester, nindo64, gat, sensei, leblogdeshacka, iglooo, gamergunz, sorakairi86, gameslover, 2077
      posted the 09/14/2018 at 12:31 AM by shanks
      channel (0)