Kizuna new screenshots
Jaleco has released some screenshots of
Kizuna for the Wii in the Famitsu magazine. This new pencil shaded Action-RPG follows a hero named Rain who will have to fight huge monsters through more than 100 quests. The player will have to find boss weak spots by pointing with the Wiimote. The game is due for release during winter 2008 in Japan.
(Source : Famitsu)
posted the 09/04/2008 at 11:53 PM by
Antoine Morcos
Seul le combat contre le boss qu'on nous montre ressemble à du SOTC.
Après on est très moin, vu qu'il y a du contenant contrairement à l'autre.
et sur la 360 on a des fps-clone pour essayer de rentabiliser le moteur chèrement acheter 2 ans plus tot!