friend cloud (1)
groups (1)
friends : 1
followers : 0
following : 0
sex : male
birthday : 12/16/2000
country : France
activities : jeux de tir, airsoft, tir sportif, sniper, tir longue distance, chasse
social interest : searching for friendship (men)
tireurfou the 10/27/18 at 03:14 PM
has voted for the review Shantae : Half-Genie Hero.
tireurfou the 10/26/18 at 03:46 PM
has added a new comment on the news Microsoft prépare le Game Pass sur PC.
"Hate de voir ça mais venant de crossoft comment ça va marcher..."
tireurfou the 10/26/18 at 09:52 AM
has added new medias shooter tireur d'élite.