friend cloud (3)

posted the 10/05/2015 at 11:45 AM
Pegasus Ryu Sei Ken !
friends : 3
followers : 0
following : 0
sex : male
birthday : 05/29/1984
city : Quelque part en France lolidence
country : France
description : Saint Seiya c'est la vie tu peux pas teste !
social interest : searching for friendship, dating (woman), a relationship
zettaomega the 04/22/20 at 08:36 PM
zettaomega the 09/12/17 at 07:04 PM
zettaomega the 07/21/17 at 09:59 AM
zettaomega the 06/08/17 at 10:04 PM
has voted for lordguyver.
zettaomega the 06/08/17 at 10:04 PM
zettaomega the 09/20/16 at 04:44 PM
has voted for the article [Anime] Pokemon en 2019.
zettaomega the 08/23/16 at 02:05 AM
has added a new comment on the blog article Humour : Perceval et le Sirop :D.
"@kurosama Sur Mozilla FireFox ça marche pas c'est Bloqué en raison de droit"
zettaomega the 08/16/16 at 02:08 AM
has joined the group Dragon Ball World.
zettaomega the 08/16/16 at 02:07 AM
has voted for the group Tokusatsu Mecha Base.
zettaomega the 08/16/16 at 02:07 AM
has voted for the article [Mini Dossier] L'histoire de Metroid.