following (1)

posted the 10/30/2008 at 03:51 PM
at Lille
sur www.nintendo-town.Fr
current or last location : Lille
friends : 107
followers : 0
following : 1
sex : female
birthday : 05/07/1988
country : France
activities : Volley-ball, webmastering
company name : ajouter le nom de la société de votre employeur
nintendotown the 05/29/12 at 02:07 PM
is now a friend of picpic.
nintendotown the 11/02/11 at 07:36 AM
is now a friend of ntown.
nintendotown the 06/20/10 at 03:25 PM
is now a friend of darkshao.
nintendotown the 06/08/10 at 07:47 AM
has added a press score Pokémon Battle Revolution.
nintendotown the 06/03/10 at 11:19 AM
has added a press score Picross 3D.
nintendotown the 06/03/10 at 11:19 AM
has added a press score Sonic Classic Collection.
nintendotown the 06/03/10 at 11:17 AM
nintendotown the 06/03/10 at 11:15 AM
has added a press score Super Mario Galaxy 2.
nintendotown the 04/10/10 at 11:46 AM
has joined the group Votre vie de merde as a blogger.
nintendotown the 01/13/10 at 11:23 AM
has added a press score Mortal Kombat Armageddon.