
posted the 09/03/2008 at 12:36 PM
Je consulte les news !!
friends : 4
followers : 0
following : 0
sex : male
birthday : 07/14/1981
city : paris
country : France
ocarinak the 11/30/21 at 03:55 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Zelda en TT.
"Le premier Zelda joué : A Link to the Past Le dernier joué : Skyward Sword HD Le meilleur : Ocarina of Time Le pire : Skyward Sword HD & Wii La meilleure bande son : Wind Waker Le plus joué : Breath of the Wild"
ocarinak the 11/24/20 at 08:40 AM
has added a new comment on the blog article [UPDATE] Demande d'aide dans Pokémon Go.
"Mon code ;) 5188 0840 4589"
ocarinak the 07/04/19 at 09:07 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Les français j'ai besoin de vous..
ocarinak the 06/01/19 at 09:03 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Concours E3 2019 : Des goodies à gagner.
"je participe pour l'amiibo :love:"
ocarinak the 06/01/19 at 09:03 PM
has voted for the article Concours E3 2019 : Des goodies à gagner.
ocarinak the 04/07/19 at 01:14 PM
has voted for link49.
ocarinak the 04/07/19 at 01:14 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Annonce M-2 : Concours Spécial E3 2019.
"Final Fantasy XII"
ocarinak the 01/12/19 at 05:17 PM
has voted for leblogdeshacka.
ocarinak the 01/12/19 at 05:16 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article [Concours] Enfin un nouveau concours !.
"je tente ma chance :s"
ocarinak the 01/12/19 at 05:16 PM
has voted for the article [Concours] Enfin un nouveau concours !.