Hiroaki Yura, le type qui a amassé un million de dollar sur le dos des backers pour acheter un bureau il y a 4 ans a eu l'audace de reposter des nouvelles, et elles ne sont pas bonnes.
En résumé :
Rien n'a été fait. On va reprendre de zéro. On fait d'autres jeux en attendant (avec votre argent). Nobuo Uematsu a fait une musique (mais vous l'entendrez pas de sitôt !). Merci pour votre fric et à dans 10 ans pour la prochaine update toute aussi vide et avec un artwork retouché sous paint !
C'est une honte absolue. Il ose même sortir le nom de Uematsu pour se justifier d'une soi-disant avancée, alors qu'il avait été établi que le compositeur s'était retiré du projet...
Le seul lot de consolation ? Les commentaires sulfureux des backers (dont je fais malheureusement partie pour une grosse somme) qui ont le mérite de donner le sourire !
Dear backers,
2018 was quite a busy year for our team and I apologize for the lack of communication. We have been working to establish a foundation for Project Phoenix to begin building the project from the ground up.
We're currently cultivating the programming team, but before we're able to fully recommit to Project Phoenix, we’re working on titles independent of this project. Since we currently only have a small team, we will slowly work to increase its size and capability. They will be working on other projects to develop the tools, systems, and pipelines needed to proceed with Project Phoenix.
Until then, we will begin doing what we can by reworking concept art, as our original designs have aged somewhat. Here's a concept our artist, Go Takahashi, worked on recently.
We're also bringing on six in-house artists led by Takuya Suzuki, previously a Senior Environmental Artist at Blizzard Entertainment, as well as Erasmus Brosdau, a former Art Director at Crytek. They will start creating world assets sometime later this year and work on finalizing those designs. Once those assets are complete, we hope to have our programmers ready to take on the task.
Lastly, Mr. Uematsu is still involved with Project Phoenix. He has already submitted parts of his music and we are in discussion on how the remaining music production will work around his recovery. Thank you to everyone who has expressed concerns, well-wishes, and support for Uematsu-san's health and well-being, and we're with you in wishing him continued strength and success.
We will be answering questions to the best of our ability, but please note that we’re doing what we can with the limited resources we have at the moment. Our current operation expenditure all comes from what we’ve earned from other projects and I hope you can see we are doing our utmost to bring the project together.
Hiroaki Yura - Director / Producer of Project Phoenix