friends : 9
followers : 0
following : 0
sex : male
birthday : 07/25/1990
city : Paris
country : France
relationship status : in a relationship
company name : Kingdom Hearts Island
company position : Gérant
company position description : Rédacteur, administrateur ...
thenightsky the 09/07/10 at 02:18 PM
has added a group article Square Enix : un accord avec Ankama.
thenightsky the 06/20/10 at 09:09 AM
thenightsky the 06/17/10 at 05:45 PM
has added a new comment on the group article Katy Perry & Snoop Dog nous offrent le tube de l'été !.
"La musique est sympa, mais le clip définitivement laid"
thenightsky the 06/16/10 at 10:47 AM
has added a group article Re:coded : site officiel japonais ouvert.
thenightsky the 06/16/10 at 10:30 AM
thenightsky the 06/15/10 at 10:05 PM
thenightsky the 06/15/10 at 08:20 PM
has added a group article E3 : de nouvelles images de Re:coded.
thenightsky the 06/15/10 at 08:20 PM
has added a group article E3 : de nouvelles images de Re:coded.
thenightsky the 06/15/10 at 06:27 PM
has added a group article E3 : Kingdom Hearts sur 3DS dévoilé.
thenightsky the 06/15/10 at 05:09 PM
has added a group article Epic Mickey : de nouveaux graphismes !.