friends : 5
followers : 0
following : 2
sex : female
birthday : 11/20/1888
country : France
activities : Venez me defiez !
relationship status : in a relationship
social interest : searching for friendship
artemisdiane the 06/09/10 at 06:31 AM
has added a blog article recherche un jeu en ligne.
artemisdiane the 05/24/10 at 10:43 AM
has added a blog article Un forum sur MH3.
chacha76 the 05/24/10 at 06:08 AM
has added a blog article Un forum sur MH3.
chacha76 the 05/24/10 at 06:05 AM
is now a friend of moggyaspishow.
artemis diane . the 12/01/09 at 10:49 AM
has added a new comment on the blog article Ouverture de mon blog, Dood!.
"Sauf que les prinny ne disent pas DOOD qui ne veux rien dire mais DUDE ! Qui signifie "mec" comme tu le dis."
artemis diane . the 06/30/09 at 07:17 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Resistance 2.
"Zut >_< bon j'ai eu une idée je vais creer un 2eme compte sur ma ps3, je verrai si ça marche, mais bon c'est chiant si ça le fait pas"
artemis diane . the 06/30/09 at 07:14 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Resistance 2.
"Oui en mode coop"
artemis diane . the 06/30/09 at 07:09 PM
has added a blog article Resistance 2.
artemis diane . the 06/27/09 at 09:19 AM
has added a new comment on the blog article Problème mdp admin windows.
"Un windows xp c'est tout ce que je sais lol"
artemis diane . the 06/27/09 at 07:08 AM
has added a blog article Problème mdp admin windows.
artemisdiane posted the 06/30/2009 at 07:09 PM
Resistance 2
artemisdiane posted the 10/20/2008 at 07:27 PM
Déco halloweenienne
artemisdiane posted the 10/14/2008 at 07:11 PM
Lamantable (foot)
artemisdiane posted the 10/11/2008 at 01:08 PM
Trailer film d'anim' Resident Evil
artemisdiane posted the 09/15/2008 at 06:28 PM
Nightwish samplé illegalement par le rappeur Tusianno
artemisdiane posted the 07/01/2008 at 07:45 AM
trailer Resident evil degeneration