friend cloud (2)
groups (1)
friends : 2
followers : 0
following : 0
sex : male
birthday : 11/30/1999
country : France
tektonik posted the 02/21/2008 at 03:07 PM
La SocGen le film !
tektonik posted the 02/21/2008 at 09:51 AM
Tales of Vesperia Exclu Xbox 360
tektonik posted the 01/22/2008 at 01:45 PM
Nouvelle formule
tektonik posted the 01/22/2008 at 01:16 PM
[DIVERS] SFR explose Orange
tektonik posted the 01/22/2008 at 01:12 PM
[VIDEO] Le cours de Tecktonik
tektonik posted the 01/21/2008 at 05:23 PM
[VIDEO] Un bon danseur de Tecktonik
tektonik posted the 01/16/2008 at 03:08 PM
[MUSIC] Remix A Cause des Garçon (Yelle)
tektonik posted the 01/16/2008 at 11:48 AM
Qui aurai cru ?
tektonik posted the 01/16/2008 at 09:12 AM
[INFO] Les français aiment la Tecktonik
tektonik posted the 01/15/2008 at 06:17 PM
[BLOG] 1 semaine et 5000 Visites