friend cloud (1)
groups (1)
friends : 1
followers : 0
following : 0
sex : male
birthday : 05/15/2001
country : France
johnlaff the 03/25/24 at 12:36 PM
has voted for the article Mes stages Mario Maker.
johnlaff the 03/25/24 at 12:35 PM
has voted for the article Playcast spécial E3 2011.
johnlaff the 03/25/24 at 12:35 PM
has voted for the article Playcast Batman Arkham City.
johnlaff the 03/25/24 at 12:35 PM
johnlaff the 03/25/24 at 12:33 PM
has voted for the article [PC/Quest/PS5] Zombie Army VR / Trailer.
johnlaff the 03/25/24 at 12:32 PM
has voted for the article Au revoir..
johnlaff the 03/25/24 at 12:32 PM
johnlaff the 03/25/24 at 12:32 PM
has voted for the article [PC] Industria 2 / Trailer.
johnlaff the 03/25/24 at 12:31 PM
johnlaff the 03/25/24 at 12:30 PM