groups (1)
friends : 3
followers : 0
following : 0
sex : male
birthday : 07/26/1993
city : Saint sauveur de montagut
country : France
yoyo 360 the 12/12/08 at 06:09 PM
is now a friend of chris redfield.
yoann dupre the 12/02/08 at 08:15 PM
has changed the profile photo.
yoann dupre the 12/02/08 at 08:01 PM
is now a friend of [ bibi300 ].
yoann dupre the 12/02/08 at 08:01 PM
has added a new post on the profile channel [ bibi300 ].
"salut bibi300 je voulais avoir ton avis si tu de vais commander environ 5 jeux pour les fetes lesquelles se serait"