{¯`*·._ >*D★S *< _..·*'¯}

posted the 10/24/2010 at 10:15 PM
friends : 14
followers : 1
following : 0
sex : female
birthday : 11/02/1988
country : France
description : /! DOUBLE PERSONNALITÉ /! A vous de voir à qui vous parlez...
relationship status : in a relationship
company name : DS - Ookami Fuuma Team
company position : Rebut...
totoya the 10/24/10 at 10:15 PM
has added a new post in the lifestream.
{¯`*·._ >*$3km 3th*< _..·*'¯} the 01/24/09 at 09:29 PM
is now a friend of simao cap.
{¯`*·._ >*$3km 3th*< _..·*'¯} the 01/24/09 at 09:17 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Boyd's Blind-Test One..
"15 armored core"
{¯`*·._ >*$3km 3th*< _..·*'¯} the 01/24/09 at 09:13 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Boyd's Blind-Test One..
"legacy of kain pluto nan?"
{¯`*·._ >*$3km 3th*< _..·*'¯} the 01/24/09 at 09:06 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Boyd's Blind-Test One..
"la 18 c l'intrus elle provient du générique desTetes à Claques - Dans le Sud"
{¯`*·._ >*$3km 3th*< _..·*'¯} the 01/24/09 at 08:54 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Boyd's Blind-Test One..
"xbox Grabbed by the Ghoulies"
{¯`*·._ >*$3km 3th*< _..·*'¯} the 01/24/09 at 08:46 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Boyd's Blind-Test One..
"gargoyle quest"
{¯`*·._ >*$3km 3th*< _..·*'¯} the 01/24/09 at 08:36 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Boyd's Blind-Test One..
{¯`*·._ >*$3km 3th*< _..·*'¯} the 01/24/09 at 08:21 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Boyd's Blind-Test One..
"13 legende of dragoon"
{¯`*·._ >*$3km 3th*< _..·*'¯} the 01/24/09 at 08:10 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Boyd's Blind-Test One..
"6 guilty gear x faust stage"
totoya posted the 01/10/2009 at 05:12 PM
Pour vous, une daube c'est quoi?
totoya posted the 12/11/2008 at 09:27 AM
Pourquoi ai-je une mauvaise opinion d'Ubisoft (Editeur)
totoya posted the 11/20/2008 at 11:17 PM
totoya posted the 11/20/2008 at 12:20 AM
Pour vous le Japon, c'est quoi?
totoya posted the 11/19/2008 at 05:07 PM
Ah! Mais AAAAH Sony & Micro!!
totoya posted the 11/18/2008 at 11:19 PM
Les Gameuses encore et toujours cataloguées...
totoya posted the 11/16/2008 at 07:58 PM
DSI : enfin en ma possession ^0^ (MAJ)