friend cloud (1)
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friends : 1
followers : 0
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sex : male
birthday : 01/01/1989
country : France
johnt the 02/26/19 at 06:18 PM
has added a blog article Avis Pokémon 2019.
johnt the 01/26/19 at 08:05 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Des mangas/animés à me proposer ?.
"Battle royale Erased Psychopass :love: Evil Eater Danganronpa :love::love::love:"
johnt the 01/19/19 at 05:27 PM
johnt the 01/18/19 at 01:22 PM
has voted for the article Liste Casque sans fil switch.
johnt the 01/17/19 at 07:44 PM
has voted for shanks.
johnt the 01/17/19 at 07:39 PM
has voted for link49.
johnt the 01/17/19 at 07:39 PM
has voted for axlenz.
johnt the 01/17/19 at 07:33 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Petite question : Nintendo switch.
"@birmou Pareil :good:"
johnt the 01/17/19 at 07:28 PM
has added new medias access to gallery.
johnt the 01/17/19 at 07:20 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Petite question : Nintendo switch.
"@jeanouillz Ok. Merci @gareauxloups C'est ce que je voudrais éviter justement. Avoir un long fil qui traine et bandouille... Mais merci au pire des cas j'y serai obligé. @birmou Ah ouais ? Je ne pensais pas que le casque officiel PS4 marcherait dessus. Je vais l'essayer alors. Cela parait être la meilleur option. Merci ;)"
johnt posted the 01/19/2019 at 05:27 PM
Débat : On en parle du Nintendo direct ?
johnt posted the 01/17/2019 at 04:40 PM
Petite question : Nintendo switch